In-Game Name:Mirano_Lorenso
Age:14(OOC) 24(IC)
Why You Wnat To Be Admin:I want to help server,learn new players server rules and punish them for breaking them
Any Admins Experience:Well yes on my 1 homie server i was admin and i think i was good.
What You Would Do If YOur Friend Is A Hacker:I would first talk to him if he ignores den imma ban him and we sort this problem on MSN/skype
What Mean PG:PowerGaming doing unrealistick thinks
What Mean MG:Mixing OOC wid IC
What Mean DM:Deathmatch,killing people widout reason
What Mean RK:Revange Kill if you killed suomone and he comes again to u and kills den its RK(or attacks)
What Mean SK:Spawn Kill i think its killing at player spawn and contiue to do it.
(extra notes:Im sumtimes get bored na mean like today i was abit and get abit freaky